Couples therapy
Therapeutic agreement for couples
Please take some time to carefully read through the contents of this contract for couples counselling. You and your partner have been sent identical contracts. By signing and submitting the contract agreement below, you are giving consent that you jointly agree to the terms and conditions that this contract holds.
The following outlines the terms of the contract for counselling between Pippa Counselling and the client that signs and completes details on this document.
The parties acknowledge that the goal of counselling and psychotherapy, either individual or marital or couples therapy, is for the purpose of the exploration, or resolution of troublesome thoughts, feelings and behaviour for the purpose of problem solving, or achieving higher levels of functioning. The process of counselling and psychotherapy depends on trust and openness during the therapy sessions.
Confidentiality is a means of providing you with safety, privacy and autonomy. The contract of your counselling sessions is confidential. As part of my (Pippa)'s professional development and ethical working, I attend regular clinical supervision where themes from my work are discussed. When doing this I will not share your identity or any other details which could identify you.
In the event that I believe it would be helpful to communicate with other professionals, I will speak to you first, to make you are aware of this and get your consent. The exception of this would be if you disclosed that you - or someone close to you - were at serious risk of significant harm and this action was something I was legally or ethically obliged to disclose. This relates specifically to if someone, and especially a child, is in serious danger of being harmed.
I operate a policy of ‘no secrets’. This means I will not keep secret from one partner anything the other partner describes if it is relevant to the therapy. I believe that therapy only works when rooted in the truth.
As a couple attending therapy, you may also wish to contract with each other to ensure disclosures between you also remain confidential.
At times I use aspects of my counselling work in my continued professional development. When doing this I ensure that the anonymity of my clients is protected.
Counselling Sessions
Sessions last for 60 minutes and will usually be at the same time and day each week. We will agree on their frequency between us on an ongoing basis. In some circumstances, with mutual consent, it may be that we choose to plan one of your sessions on another day of the week and at another time, in order to provide a flexible service when needed.
If you are late for a session for any reason, please let me know as soon as you can. If you are late for your session, the session cannot be extended.
If you arrive to a session and your behaviour has been affected in any way due to substances use e.g. alcohol / drugs, I may decide not to proceed with the session, this will be at my discretion and the session will remain chargeable.
Cancelled and missed sessions
I will give you as much notice as possible if I need to cancel your session for any reason. The time scheduled for your appointment is yours and yours alone. If you miss a session without cancelling or cancel the session and do not give me at least 48 hours notice, then you are required to pay the full amount of the fee for the session. To cancel a session you can email, call or text me directly.
Payment for sessions
Unless agreed otherwise, fees are £85 per session and you and your partner take responsibility for deciding who and how the fees are paid. Payment for sessions must be made at least 48 hours before each session.
I will send you a link via Monzo bank to the payment prior to each session.
Your responsibilities during therapy​
Be honest regarding your feelings and thoughts.
Follow my directions to facilitate good communication.
Be willing, open, and curious about your partner’s reality.
Be willing to take responsibility for your contribution to the situation you are in as a couple.
Be respectful with your partner during and outside therapy sessions.
Don’t involve other people in the therapeutic process. Express your complaints and grievances to your therapist or your partner rather than to a friend or family member.
Never use the materials/information from the session against each other.
To express appreciation and gratitude for your partner.
Assume the risk of being vulnerable as much as you feel comfortable. If you feel it’s too much to handle, you have the right to stop at any time, recompose and continue the session when ready.
You can ask for and offer emotional support as soon as possible.
To become the support of your partner.
To refrain from contacting me individually between sessions, except for the time you need to contact me regarding your appointment (book, reschedule, cancel)
Social Media
I request that no part of our conversations are shared on social media by yourself or someone else of your choosing
I request that you or anyone else that you know, do not search any personal profile on social media of Pippa Counselling or send a message by social media to a personal social media account. You may of course search for and follow Pippa Counselling's instagram page and other social media.
If any of these requests are not met, I reserve the right to withdraw the offer of counselling​
Ending our sessions
There may be times during counselling that you feel distressed and feel that counselling is not helping you. This is not an uncommon experience part way through counselling. If you feel you would like to stop counselling at any time, please talk this through with me first. This will give us both the opportunity to understand more fully what is distressing you, enabling us to find a way to resolve the distress that you may be feeling. With this in mind I ask that you give two clear sessions notice of ending therapy.
Therapeutic agreement for couples
I have read and understood the terms and conditions and agree to abide by the contents of this contract, while in therapy sessions with from Pippa Counselling.